Sunday, March 14, 2010

DIY: Pantry Storage Jars

I don't know about your pantry, but mine is always filled with half-used bags, plastic jars, random boxes... it's messy... and sometimes embarrassing. 

I saw this great (and CHEAP) storage idea on a local channel here in Melbourne.  Using leftover jars, you can create cute storage containers.  You only have to buy the spray paint and any stencils that you may want.

I love this glass frosting spray paint.  For just a few dollars, you can turn an old jar of pickles into an attractive way to store your flaked almonds.  A pantry full of these jars would be nothing to be embarrassed about! 

To make these, just follow these easy steps:

1. Prepare a workspace outside, spray paint can be messy.  I used an old cardboard box and cut out one side.
2. Using tape or stencils, prepare your jars to your liking.
3. Following the directions on the glass frosting spray paint, apply a few coats to the jars as necessary.
4. Do the same for the lids in your favorite color.
5. Allow to dry completely before removing the stencils.

Save your jars and soon you can have an organized attractive pantry.  I plan on color-coding with the lids when I have more jars!


  1. What a great idea! Gonna do this in my pantry because I have so many folded-over bags of pecans, walnuts, marshmallows, etc.

  2. Hi there, I'm just wondering where you got the glass frosting spray. I need it for an assignment. been looking for it everywhere but no luck! would be great if you can share some information. thanks! :)



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